Pipe Bursting Services
DrainTech Solutions provides a specialised pipe bursting service. Pipe bursting is a trenchless method of replacing buried pipelines (such as sewer, water, or natural gas pipes) without the need for a traditional construction trench. Pipe bursting is an economical method of rehabilitation for sewer drainage and other lines as it involves less excavation and disruption and eliminates the need for pipe welding on-site. Pipe bursting is an excellent option where pipes have major displacement or major collapse and lining is not viable.
Pipe bursting involves loading an expander head with a leading end much smaller in diameter than the bursting end, into the pipe that will be replaced. The smaller leading end guides the expander head through the existing pipe and ‘fins’ make contact with the existing pipe, breaking the pipe along the entire circumference. A hydraulic pump pulls the expander head and new pipe into the line using heavy chain. The end result is a new pipe in place of the old.
Pipe bursting can be used to expand pipeline capacity by replacing smaller pipes with larger ones. This method is effective for upsizing gas mains, water mains and sewers.